
 Problem :
"I cannot download the quotations or register my evaluation key".

The points to check :
  • If you use a firewall, it is necessary to have access to the Merops feed,
  • Check that the security codes are in the ISIN format (eg : FR0000130007 for Alcatel-Lucent),
  • Retry, it could also be a temporary problem with the Merops server,
  • Check your system date,
  • If you use a Proxy server (business network), you need to re-configure using the menu "Parameters / Proxy" de Merops

    If the problem is still not resolved, please send us by email the file "log.txt" de "...\Merops\" (See heading "Placement of data").

  •  Problem :
    "I have lost my identifications to Merops Feed".

    They will be sent to you by email by clicking here.
    At the input using the menu "My Merops access", your subscription and the associated keys will be automatically repatriated.

    If the input boxes are locked, the key "CHANGE" will allow them to be unlocked.

     Question :
    "How do i make Merops work on Linux or Mac ?".

    Merops has been written to function on versions Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista, but the following installations will function (no warranty and no support) :

    Installation Linux :
  • Put in service Wine
  • Put in service l'activeX of Mozilla

    Installation Mac :
  • Install Virtual PC

  •  Problem :
    "I have subscribed to Merops Feed, but i have not received my key".

    The sending of email by AbcBourse containing your key is immediate, check that it was not blocked and / or in your messages for spams.

     Problem :
    "The quote of one of my securities was not updated".

    The checks to make :
  • the security code input must be in the ISIN format (eg : FR0000130007 for Alcatel-Lucent)
  • pfor a security quoted in France the place must be "Paris"
  • the security must be present on the site AbcBourse : http://www.abcbourse.com/marches/index.html, if it is not you can manually input its quote or import a quote file recovered from a web site such as that proposed.

  •  Question :
    "How do i update my Merops ?".

    To benefit from the latest functionalities and corrections, it is recommended to regularly update my Merops.
    2 methods :
  • from the software using menu : "?" "Update Merops"
  • from the site : https://www.merops.com/setup.exe (recommanded for Vista and 7). This new installation will not erase your data, it should be executed from the same directory as the previous.

  •  Question :
    "How do i backup my data ?".

    By default your data is stored in the filer "Merops.xdm" (See heading "Placement of data") that you can backup.
    Since version 5.000, you can automatically backup from using the menu "Tools / Tasks and reminders ".
    Since version 6.001, a monthly backup is automatically done in "...\Merops\Save\".
    To restore a backup with the name "MeropsYYYYMMJJ.xdm", you need to rename it to "Merops.xdm" and copy it to directory "...\Merops\" (Merops must be closed).

     Question :
    "I reformatted my hard disk, how do i recover my subscription ?".

    First of all it is necessary to re-install Merops. To recover the data, you need to recover from a backup (the latest backup named "MeropsYYYYMMJJ.xdm" must be renamed "Merops.xdm" and copied to the directory "...\Merops\" (See heading "Placement of data"))
    To recover your subscription, you need to re-register using the menu "Parameters / My Merops access" with your username and password of your access.

     Question :
    "I have changed my PC, how can i recover my data ?". Or "How do i install my data on my laptop (or another PC)"

    First of all it is necessary to re-install Merops on the other PC.
    Then you need to copy the file "Merops.xdm" (See heading "Placement of data") (contains your portfolios, transactions, access, ...) from your old PC to the other PC, using for example a diskette or a key USB.
    You can also copy the directory "...\Merops\Data\" (containing the quotations of your securities).
    Note : You can use the same access "Merops FEED" on 3 PCs at the same time.

     Recommendation :
    "A Mobile solution".

    If you wish to use Merops on many PCs (Home PC , Work PC, PC laptop, ...), without copying your input from one PC to the other, the solution consists of copying your directory "Merops" (See heading "Placement of data") to a key USB.
    It is the executable Merops.exe on the key USB that you need to launch.
    An installation on the otherPCs is not necessary.
    Note : You can use the same access "Merops FEED" on 3 PCs at the same time (even without the method "Key USB").

     Recommendation :
    "Configuration required".

  • Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 (Linux or Mac : see pre-requirements)
  • Pentium 400
  • Ram 256 mo
  • Internet access for the quotes update
  • Screen resolution of 800*600 min, 1024*768 recommended

  •  Problem :
    "The sign € is not displayed / The font is unreadable".

    Using the menu "Parameters / Print preferences" choose a font that has the € sign included.

     Placement of data :

  • 95/ME/2000/XP : "C:\Program Files\Merops\".
  • Vista/7 : "C:\Users\My username\AppData\Local\Merops\".
  • For all information : contact@merops.com